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Located in New Orleans Lower 9th ward, adjacent to Bayou Bienvenue Wetland Triangle, a build strategy was developed for a community educational center. In partnership with local non-profit Sustain the Nine and the Center for Sustainable Engagement and Development, the outdoor classroom space that was constructed will serve as a learning outlet for environmental issues. Emphasizing the importance of the surrounding landscape, a focus on shade, path, and material provide a framework to define space. In response to the educational program, a strategy that illustrates the process of water management and wetland restoration create a base for user experimentation.





Design and construction of the CSED Environmental Learning & Research Center in collaboration with the Center for Sustainable Engagement & Development, Tulane City Center, and Tulane School of Architecture faculty and students. Sponsored by SURDNA.

Faculty Lead: Tom Holloman

         Studio Team: Marielle Asenjo, Andrew Balfe, James Ball, Lolade Frankel, Lindsay Girardeau, Zoe Grosshandler, Alec Herskowitz,  Logan Leggett, Samuel Naylor, Scott Mikawa, Gustavo Rodas, Melinda Telford, Seth Voiron